Welcome to My Red Dance Studio

This can be followed by a synopsis of what you can offer to dancers, and the dance community.
You could provide an overview of your classes, together with any guest teachers you may invite. Or perhaps you would like to describe the regular events that you run, as well as any "special" events that you organise. More information about your venue(s) could also go here.
If you are a dance band, or sell products and services to the dance community, this page will allow you to elaborate on these details.
To give you an idea of what the page will look like with more information, we have used this area to give you a little more information about the website we can build for you.
If you are on a very tight budget, we can provide a simple 3-page website for an unbelievable £30 + VAT per year! All information will automatically be updated from AreYouDancing, so it will be very easy to keep up to date. For this option there will be no “set up” fee, and you will only pay the small annual fee towards hosting.
While you continue to host your website with us, your organisation will automatically be classified as a "Supporter" of AreYouDancing without any additional charge.
Choose between three colour options: red, blue or green
See our upcoming dance events or send us a message
See My Red Dance Studio on AreYouDancing by clicking this link: